
Going to school locally, empowering English online


Why FamiLingua?

A little about FamiLingua...

I'm Elle, a primary school teacher from London, living in Berlin with my German husband and bilingual daughter. 

This mum highly regards education. While musing over the problems my kid might face with refining her English in a local primary school, my friend Christin (and co-founder) had the brain-wave to begin FamiLingua. I get to help other international families, like mine, to provide a complementary English education alongside their child's regular German schooling. Win, win!

Put simply, FamiLingua is an approach to education that delivers the same key aspects of learning, with the added advantage of being accessible from anywhere in the world – and all for a fraction of the cost of international school fees. Your child attends live lessons, taught by me, a qualified school teacher, with a large dollop of global awareness and personal well-being added to the mix.



Educated like a native speaker


A real teacher: I'm an experienced and qualified teacher, being there every step of the way to support your child's learning.


Live learning: lessons are live and fully interactive – students can hear and see the teacher, taking part in exactly the same way they would in any other classroom.


Archived lessons: saved lesson outcomes and materials so that pupils can catch up if they’ve missed out or need a refresher.


Pastoral care: it's not just teaching students – offering ongoing support and guidance.


Flexibility: understanding students may have other commitments, meaning they will sometimes miss the occasional class.


Community: school doesn’t begin and end in the classroom, so I like to give students the chance to take part in a range of extracurricular activities that are both fun and complement their learning.


Small classes: limiting classes to a maximum of 5 students per group; students can be individually understood, I can better understand their needs and support their progress.

Do you have a query?

Become part of FamiLingua!

For further information, questions or to be part of the mailing list for upcoming events, please get in touch. I'll get back to you immediately.



Parkinson - Dietrich GbR

© 2023 FamiLingua.


+49 (0) 176 22 55 1561